Dear Penelope,
That name just jumped into my head. I don't even know anybody named Penelope.
Tonight I treated myself. At the store I decided that it really is reasonable to buy proper equipment if I'm going to be making supper every night. This realization was maybe a little late, given that we're more than half done with the summer.
I bought a kitchen knife and cutting board. Previous to today's purchase, we have only had some particularly sharp butter knives. The main reason we don't do stir fry often is because with said knives it takes half an hour to cut up the chicken.

Tonight was the best stir fry we have had by far. I liked the lemon last time so I also threw in a lime. Also lots of garlic was used, since we accidentally bought way too much a while back. Finally, and most importantly, I was able to add some zing to the mix.
We still have no fridge, so the options for hot sauce are quite limited. In fact, the only bottle without the word "lodowke" on it (meaning refrigerator) was tabasco. I threw a healthy amount of it in there. It smelled pretty funky when it hit the pan and I was worried that it might not work right. However, it was fine. After eating nothing even remotely spicy for six weeks, it was actually great.
(Not only has my cooking lacked any spice, but Polish food is notoriously bland.)

The wine was fine. It was from Spain. So far I'm finding it convenient that I can read (note: decode) wine bottle labels whether they be in English, Spanish, Polish or Hungarian (There isn't much wine made in Poland, but it's usually on the label due to being sold here). The Hungarian wines have so far been my favorites (the Tokaji last week and the Bikavér the week before). The bikavér was fairly dry though and sadly Thomas prefers wines to be sweet rather than dry. Additionally, Philip unexplainedly would not drink his Tokaji.
As long as I'm complaining about my roommate, the only vegetables that Philip seems to like eating are onions. As in, he picks carrots and broccoli out of his food to throw away. I have expressed my frustration and he does not seem to realize that it disrespectful to throw away food right in front of the cook. Carrots and broccoli are necessary for a stir fry, so Philip is a minor reason that it doesn't happen so often. It's minor because usually my preference over what I want to make overrules my willingness to cater to picky eaters.
I could go on forever about this. Rooming with Philip has made me realize that wasting food is a severe pet peeve of mine. Worse than flossing in the room, Chris. Way worse.
Conversely Nathan will eat just about anything.
---Word on the street is that this weekend we are going to Zakopane. However, I am not aware that any real planning has been done.