I am doing mathematics at Łódź University in Poland for the summer. While I am here I will write a little on this site, but it exists primarily for me to share pictures.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

No More Łódź

Dear Nathan,

This morning we checked out of the dorm and took a train to Warsaw. We did not do much sightseeing, however. We visited Warsaw before, a few weeks ago, and we are getting ready to be home (at least I am).

I spent the afternoon wandering the region near the hotel we are staying in. For dinner I got one last shaorma at Sphinx at the mall. You may remember this mall. I mentioned it in my post about Warsaw.

I was alone at dinner, since Philip and I made separate plans. However, it rained downporiously for my entire stay on the top floor of the mall. It was a nice show during dinner.


Tomorrow around noon we fly out. If you weren't in Budapest for the next four months, I would see you soon.

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