I am doing mathematics at Łódź University in Poland for the summer. While I am here I will write a little on this site, but it exists primarily for me to share pictures.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bonus Post

Dear Hannah,

This picture made me think of you. Not because I associate you with gang-related defacement of private property, but because it has the word hooligans on it.

Wine Wednesday! Here are some pictures of it. The wine didn't really go with the meal, but we have plenty of time to work out such kinks.

Serving up the meal. We make alterations, but pretty much eat spaghetti stir fry every night.

The bird's eye view. Yes, I did make that salt shaker out of an empty sauce jar.

Thomas sizes up the situation.

1 comment:

Hannah I.J. Aaberg said...

Mm, hooligans. Nothin like em.