They are all figured out now. I accidentally deleted several things. I was not able to get back past comments. Comment. Just the one from Claire about Nutella (the rate we are eating it at is unhealthy).
It's late, so right now it is more pictures, fewer words.
At the tram stop! you can only see Thomas' feet.
Tram stop from the other side. We are going to manufactura today.
The first of several pictures I promised to present of one of my favorite structures.
The second such picture. That guy was crazy on the xylophone.
It's funny because it's pronounced almost like Hollywood.
Grumpy lady, sand volleyball, Bierhalle. It's a restaurant with a microbrewery in it, so you can atch them making beer while you eat.
The structure undergoing intensive reconstructive surgery.
Some smaller buildings on the way out. They have free wireless here, the first I've found in the city.
Troublemakers in Freedom Square.
We would be awesome at English School.
Sweet dreams!
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