I am doing mathematics at Łódź University in Poland for the summer. While I am here I will write a little on this site, but it exists primarily for me to share pictures.

Monday, June 16, 2008

All Math Done with Sigma Pi Sigma Pen

Dear Interested Reader,

I cut up onions for dinner every night. No matter how much I wash my hands they always smell a little like onions.

Getting closer, I think, to tracking down places to dance here. I have messaged some sketchy myspace profiles which claim to be swing bands/dancers in Łódź (hopefully at least one of them really is). Also there are some sites that outline the nightlife here; several recommend a jazz club that's in a neighborhoods I know to be good. Finally, I found a dance studio. However, whether they do more than beginning instruction (and which styles) is unclear due to the language barrier. I may go there tomorrow to investigate.

Our hot water was out for most of today. We meet again with Professor Filipczak tomorrow morning.

No pictures today.